Monday, November 1, 2010

Well, Hi!

Ok ok. Big news here...

If you're reading this, I suppose it probably means you cared enough to come on over here.

So...since you're here, you get to find out--

that we're having another baby.... Another boy specifically.


January 31 ish...

Yes, that does mean I'm over 6 months pregnant with our third guy.


Yeah.  True.  It is well past the point in time where maybe you usually tell people about another person joining the family.   I know. I know. We're just in kind of a weird place in life, where we don't have as much real life contact with most of the people we know outside of family (like probably you, if you're reading this)

... And it's an announcement that I prefer to make in real life...

So, due to having found out about being pregnant after we moved away from Rexburg, where many of our buddies remain, and also due to the fact that many of our friends have scattered across the earth in their various directions....
....we have hardly told anyone that we haven't seen in real life recently. So don't feel left out.

If you wondered why I haven't said anything on good ol' Facebook, it's just because I feel like Facebook is such a habitual place for people... I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook... Maybe you know what I mean?...Facebook reminds me of all the people I never get to see anymore, and the people I wish we'd gotten to know better, and the people I wonder about if they really even want to be friends, except on Facebook...  and it seems weird (for me) to make a big important announcement on there, just to be lost amidst all your other friends' big and important/not so important announcements.

So I'm announcing it here on me new blog.  I guess because it's an exciting way to start a blog, for one thing. Right?

And simply because it isn't Facebook. Yet it is still a message to all of you good friends who care to find out. :)

So with that, welcome to my blog.

A blog that I feel like starting, just to remind myself of some things. More of a thoughts/inner workings of Kara/journal kind of blog. Not like my other blog, which has it's own purpose. Which is different than this one.

Feel free to stick around to keep track of us if you'd like.

And if any of you find yourselves out in the Boise area anytime, come have lunch. OK?

Take care!


  1. Hello Hello! Thanks for your address--guess we'll have more ways to keep in touch! Congrats on your little guy coming soon! how fun!

  2. That is so exciting! congratulations.

  3. Yay! Congrats! Wish we could live closer so that you could tell me in person. I miss hanging out with you.

  4. Congratulations! We're so happy for you guys.

  5. I'm glad that I knew you were prego before this blog. The way you write is too funny, I can hear you saying it when I'm reading it. You are too cute!

  6. Congrats Kara! I am so excited for you and your family. Guess what? I'm expecting too!! Only, I'm not near as far along as you. I'm due in May.
